Visit to Elmley Marshes
To round off a successful year, the Adur River Recovery project took a trip to Elmley Marsh Nature Reserve on the Isle of Sheppey in North Kent. Elmley is unique as it's the only National Nature Reserve that's farmer owned and managed, covering over 3000 acres of grazing marsh.
During the visit, the team was taken around by Elmley's land manager, who explained how the marsh functions, its biodiversity benefits, and their aspirations to increase the area of saltmarsh. The reserve plays a crucial role as a habitat for wildlife and in particular breeding waders and birds of prey. During the visit, the group observed lapwings, short-eared owls, and marsh harriers in vast numbers.
One surprising discovery was the significant hedgehog population at Elmley Marsh. This unexpected find sparked the team's interest and emphasized the reserve's role in supporting a diverse wildlife population.
Returning to Sussex with plenty of inspiration and practical insights, the Adur River Recovery team is gearing up to integrate lessons from Elmley into their future plans.